
Description of Picture.About Number1Guru.

I first started working on PC computers in 1987. I took a Tandy 1000 completely apart and rebuilt it making it run so much faster than when it came from factory, I have always tinkered with software and hardware to get things to run smooth. During High school I started running DOS programs on the computer with several questions and answers to help me study for school test. This was all before the Internet ever was around. I learned all this by trail and error until 1989 when I was moved to a larger School that had a computer programming class. The things they were teaching was outdated to what I had already learned so I wasn't learning anything new, in 1990 I was able to get my hands on Windows 1.0, from there I was hooked. I started dabbling in building exe files or altererring files to do what I wanted them to do. Every time a OS upgrade came out I was first in line to get it and install and tweak whatever needed done. Than the age of the internet I was fascinated with AOL allot of people I could talk to that was many miles away and many taught me how to do other things on the PC, in 1998 I was asked by a group to design and build them a Website that they could sell items at Auction. Than the era of Ebay came along and things went crazy for this small company I had the pleasure to work with. That was when I inherited the name of "The Computer Guru" with the slogan "Just what the Dr Ordered" and took the Nurse as my Logo since she represented someone taking care of the sick and bringing them back to good health.. I could take a system apart and program anything they needed. Networking systems together to communicate across the room and file sharing was a big thing with all the inventory and product this company needed to sell online. Friends and Family would call and ask me to come take a look at there computers and I would take them apart and build and design a system that they needed. 2000 I begin advertising in the Phone book and at local Computer hardware stores to assist in repairs and building of systems. 2001 I changed from " The Computer Guru " to "#1 Guru" got me closer to the Front of the Yellow pages and Ads since most things were in alphabetical order those days. Once Domains and Hosting begin to flurry in 2002 and kick off for public I purchased a domain since you weren't allowed to use symbols I again changed from "#1 Guru" to "Number1Guru" . in 2007 I was hired by a Tattoo Artist to design and create a one of a kind 26" Touch Screen Tattoo Program that would take and organize photos for the public to use as reference to things he could do. After Completion I was asked to demonstrate the software to Microsoft. Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend the meeting due to another job I was doing. Later that year I was asked if they could demonstrate the software and program to Microsoft since I couldn't fit it in my already tight schedule. I received a call offering me $20,000 for my program and hardware. I declined thinking Bill Gates would modify my system and sell it for $100 at Wal-Mart or any other software store and make Millions. I finally had to go collect payment for the demo version I made since invoice was never paid for the work I did on this software and hardware development. That's when I noticed the place was rolling in money but yet I wasn't be rewarded for all my hard work. 6 months later I get my hands on Windows 7 and wouldn't you know all the features and programming I done was part of the new Operating System being offered from Microsoft. Valuable lesson on my part. Never Design or create something unless you patent, trademark, or copyright first. Since than I have just worked and repaired on the side of my normal job which deals with Computers just not building software programs anymore.